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Berkshire Home Sale: How to optimize the sale of your home.

How to Optimize the Outcome of your Berkshire home sale in a challenging market

  1. Check your own motivation for selling your home in the Berkshires. Unless you are sincere and have a strong reason for selling you would likely be wasting your time. Selling in hopes of making a huge profit is not an indication of motivation. That is greed.
  2. The most important first step is right pricing for the Berkshire home market. Over or underpricing is very costly. Right pricing is key to success.
  3. Hire Expertise. Not every one can sell real estate like an experienced Berkshire agent can. Not so, this is a complex process not just legally but it takes experience and skill to produce superior results.
  4. Dress your Berkshire Home for success. Everyone has heard of staging. Whether you hire an expert (well worth the money), or not, make sure the house is showing at its best.
  5. Fix everything. Consider having an inspection done and then fixing everything before you go on the market. This saves times and avoids discounting later for repairs.
  6. Marketing.  Make sure the individual and company you hire has an excellent marketing plan for reaching the target audience for your property.
  7. Compensation. This is the incentive offered to your representative and other licensees. Do not skimp here. By shortchanging the sales compensation you likely will be also shortchanging the sales effort. Make sure your listing firm is also offering a generous split to the selling firm.
  8. Treat all offers like gold. Nine times out of ten the first buyer who makes and offer will be by far the best buyer in terms of motivation to buy and price offered.
  9. Negotiate your offers in good faith and with flexibility. Hard-nosed sellers will drive off buyers. Consider all offers as legitimate and buyer have done their homework too.
  10. Celebrate the sale of your Berkshire County real estate. If you followed these steps and are rewarded with a sale, this is reason to celebrate and be grateful. Thank all those who worked hard to bring about the sale and pat yourself on the back for doing it right.


© Paul Harsch 2015