Berkshires Real Estate Harsch Associates Staff

Harsch Associates Berkshire Real Estate agents live in Williamstown MA and have many years of experience and knowledge to offer you as you search for your Berkshire Dream Home.  Here at Harsch we have sold hundreds of homes to hundreds of families. 


Our Mission Statement

* You are the most important people in our business, in person, on the telephone or by correspondence.

* While You may rely on us, You do not depend on us. We depend on You.

* You are not an interruption in our work-You are the purpose for it.

* Our clients and customers are not outsiders to our business, rather You are the very essence of it.

* Our clients are not simply names and numbers, You are people, like us, with feelings, needs, expectations, rights and emotions.

* Our customers and clients are not people to argue with. No one wins a business argument.

* Our customers and clients come to us with their needs. It is our purpose to do our best to assist You in meeting those needs, and to do so cheerfully, considerately, profitably, efficiently, confidentially and smoothly both for You and, in so doing, for ourselves.

Our clients and customers expect and deserve a level of skill, expertise and understanding commensurate with the level of difficulty and detail of the transaction and we will not accept assignments for which we are not fully qualified to serve competently and successfully.

Although it is absolutely our belief that we can effectively serve any motivated client or customer, occasionally some prospective clients and customers may not be a successful match and we pledge to be honest and forthright when in our determination, such a fit is not possible.

To You, our valued clients and customers, we offer this our pledge of service, our statement of purpose. Please let us know if we have fulfilled our mission and even if we have not. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Harsch Associates