Practically every purchase of Berkshire real estate includes the use of borrowed funds, sometimes from family, sometimes from the seller, but in the vast majority of cases, through a lender, be it a local bank or a mortgage broker who in turn arranges the loan from an outside source. We at Harsch Associates have learned and observed over the years that even while the use of online lending and mortgage brokers have increased many fold, almost invariably, the best terms, the quickest turnaround time, the simplest and most hassle free loans are obtained locally from one of our wonderful home grown banks or credit unions. Borrowers have proven through trial and error, that in 9 cases out of 10 online lenders charge more, take more time and have more problems closing the loan than one of our local lenders. Sometimes, too, there are last minute costs that are sprung on the unsuspecting borrowers who once at the closing table, have no other options but to go forward at that time. Do yourself a favor and consult with one of our trusted and proven local lenders. Harsch Associates derives no finder's fees or financial benefits whatsoever from any lenders or mortgage brokers. We offer some links below merely as a convenience and not as an endorsement of any particular lenders, however by offering the links we do feel that these lenders and brokers offer quality loans at reasonable rates and terms and are good lenders to work with overall. As always, we would welcome your feedback so we might modify this list at any time it is justified.