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Lottery Anyone? Predicting the Berkshire Housing Market.

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Lottery Anyone? Predicting the Berkshire Housing Market .  
Predicting the right time to invest in the stock market and predicting the right time to buy low in the housing market carries the same "trying to catch a falling knife" safety advice.  Don't. 

Let's play "timing the market."  You will need a friend to help you with this game.  Get a blank sheet of paper and a pencil.  As you begin to draw a line down the length of the paper, ask your friend to stop your line when they believe the market has hit bottom and will begin to rise.

Keep in mind that you can begin drawing the line back up at any time you choose.  Most likely, your friend will stop you when you start to draw the line back up the page.  However, they will have missed the "bottom" of the market since they had no way to predict when you would change the direction of your line from down to up.

Predicting when to buy, sell or hold is difficult for the experts and even more so for amateurs.

Why then are most financial advisers encouraging home purchases now?  Do they believe the bottom has been reached and costs of a home will now rise along with interest rates?  Who knows?  That being said, Market provides several reasons as to why buying now is a good bet.  gives  5 excellent reasons to buy a home this year. First Affordability is better than ever.  The inventory of homes is large and you can be choosy and ask for improvements before signing on the dotted line.  If you choose to buy a new home, you can get huge discounts from builders who want to clear out their inventory.  Historically mortgage rates are at record low.  You can call the shots because you don't need to buy and sellers know pre-approved buyers are hard to come by in this economy.   Need one more reason?   The interest on your already low interest loan is tax deductible.  And what about the tax rebate?  Our Associates at Harsch Real Estate look forward to helping you find your dream home when you feel the time is right.   413-458-5000