Real Estate Home Appreciation - Last 12 Months
The median home price, the point at which half of all homes are sold for more and half are sold for less, dropped in all regions but the West, as well. The price increased to $220,500 in the West, up from $217,900 in July, but it is still down 12.2 percent from last year.
The median price in the South dropped to $157,400 from $162,100 and is down 11 percent from August 2008.
In the Midwest, the price rose to $155,900 from $149,900 in July. In a year-over-year comparison, the price is off 10.4 percent.
The Northeast region's median price declined the most of any area, dropping more than $10,000 to $241,100 from $251,500. Since last year, the price has fallen 10.5 percent.
Data Source: National Association of Realtors
Monthly Fluctuations in Median Home Prices by Region Overall